New Behavior System – with 4 colors

For our class to become successful and for my students to become the best citizens that they can be in our class, it is important that we have a behavior system that is put into place and consistent. I ask for your support in this system that I have decided to use and put into place. As the system will be new to our little Kinders, we will be routinely using it and giving consequences, rewards, calls home, and so forth.
We are using a chart in the classroom that has four different levels. The purple level is “Excellent”, the green level is “Ready to learn”, the yellow level is “Oops”, and the orange level is “Had a bad day”. Each student has a clothespin attached to this chart, to show where they are, in terms of behavior. Each morning the students start on GREEN, which ensures me that they are ready to learn and begin the day on a positive note. Being at this level is great and rewarding. If a child does not move from this level all day, it means that they were on task all day and doing what was asked of them. From this green level, they can move up to Excellent, which shows that they went beyond the classroom norms. Each day your child will bring a card home, to help communicate their behavior for the day. If your child moves down to “Oops” or “Had a bad day” please have a discussion with your child, sign it on the back and return the following day. I will be communicating with you as to why they earned a blue or orange card. At the beginning of each morning, we all start on green! We all have bad days, but let’s prepare our Kinders to be READY TO LEARN each and every day.
Card Collection: When students earn 20 points, they should bring their cards back to the classroom in a Ziploc bag, which has their name on it. Here they will count their 20 points out loud, and then be allowed to choose a prize in the treasure box. Prizes will occur every Friday for those children with 20 points.
Purple = 2 points
Green = 1 point
Yellow= 0 points 
Orange = 0 points  
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the behavior process.

I will honor any blue “GO ROBO” tickets and swap them out for a green ticket!